Originally Posted By: ThePolakVet

I doubt the thing that if firearms would be banned then there would be no such events.

I guess we'll have to settle for less such events. I could live with that. I'm sure BB.Net can too. How about you?

Originally Posted By: ThePolakVet

It would just make it like this - the bad guys would have guns as criminals will sell guns ilegally. And the civilians will get shot/robbed, because they won't have a thing to protect themselves.

With our gun laws, are we any safer? It's one thing to debate if we were Western Europe regarding gun control, but WE ARE NOT. We're guns galore but damn these shootings keep happening quite regularly. And it feels like it's getting worse. I mean when Columbine happened, JESUS CHRIST! Now when these happen, we go Oh. In fact would we be as upset over this new tragedy if it wasn't for a truckload of dead little children?

How many school shootings happened back in the 60s when we last had a President that was very pro-gun control? OK you had that Texas bell shooter, but...that's it? So more school shootings with more lax gun laws, i.e. more guns out there, and...yeah logic would dictate that the solution you're defending IS NOT FUCKING WORKING.

Besides your defeatist rationality is pretty daft. Hey we've always had murder, and always will. Our laws against murder sure don't seem to stop them from ever happening again. Let's legalize murder. Same thing for rape and oh yeah pedophilia.

Be serious.