Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: BAM_233
I am so sick of these mother fucking assholes!


agreed 100%, while i'm in total support of freedom of speech, this is really pushing the envelope, even for me. i have spend alot of time in west virginia, and have alot of very close friends there. back when they had a few of those coal mine incidents, i believe saigo was the worst, these shitbags showed up there to proclaim that the reason for the disaster was that "god hates fags", or something similar. the people down there are as friendly as can be, but lets just say they were luckey the state police were there otherwise none of them would have made it out alive, and thats a fact! they use the same MO regardless of the circumstances, and the worst part is that they indoctrinate the children into that batshit crazy cult. here's to hoping that next time they are protesting on the side of the road, that some good ol' boy does a drive-by with a can of bear mace or worse mad

That's what going to happen sooner or later. All they are is a cult, like jim jones. I just wished the supreme court would have sided with the families and made it illegal to picket any kind of furinal. They could say it's the same thing as saying 'fire' in a crowded theater or room. They could cause a riot, with harm to certain people (mostly those who picket).