I don't know if this made national news or anything. Its probably all over ESPN, I'd imagine. Turi's the only Steeler fan besides myself that I can think of off hand on the BB.

Ben Roethlisberger was in a motorcycle accident today. Dumbass wasn't wearing a helmet either. Mr. Star-of-the-Super-Bowl-Champions-but-does-what-the-hell-he-wants is in serious, but stable condition. He's got facial lacerations, a broken nose, and a broken jaw, and hes missing quite a few teeth. I guess he was bleeding really badly. When a witness asked him his name, he only knew that it was Ben. No last names. He didn't know where he was. They told him the 10th Street Bridge.. and he didn't know what that was.

EVERYBODY in Pittsburgh knows what the 10th Street Bridge is. Its the big yellow one.

Last I heard, he was still in surgery. He'd better get well soon. I'd hate to have to kick the star QB's ass.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club