I saw it. It started out something like this...

FADE FROM BLACK: Exterior of Don Jebediah's farm - day.

(in front of the Don's horse and buggy, facing the camera)

"I believe in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has made my butter churning fortune. And I raised my son in the plain old Amish drab fashion. I gave him his freedom during Rumspringa, but -- I taught him never to dishonor his church and village. He found a boyfriend; not that there is anything wrong with that. He went on a horse & buggy ride with him; he stayed out late. I didn't protest. Two months ago, he took him to a barn raising, with another boyfriend. They tried to take advantage of him and make him drink-a the vino. He resisted. He tried to keep-a his honor.

So they worked him, like a plow mule. When I went to the farm, his beard was a'shaven off. His black hat was a'tattered, and his overalls were held together by only a string. He couldn't even get up at 3 a.m. to do his chores because of the humiliation. But I did the chores - all of them. Why did I do the work? Because Abner was the first born of my eleven children -- a good Amish boy. Now he will never milk a cow again... "