Among the murders the week of November 12 in Montreal, some would fall in a wide chess game of organized crime in Montreal. In the underworld as in this strategy game, you must know the pieces down before approaching larger pieces.

It is in these terms imaged a source familiar with the investigation of the case exposes investigators about the murders.

The latest victim is the most important.

Mohamed Awada was shot almost in front of him, rue Leblanc, Montreal-Nord, on the night of

November 17.

Sentenced to nine years in prison for heroin trafficking in the 90s, accused of involvement in the kidnapping of mobster Nino Bartolomeis in 2008, he was released after this last accusation that Bartolomeis had changed his version of facts. Only his co-defendant Salvatore Scoppa was sentenced to $ 20,000 fine for conspiracy. Awada was also awaiting trial for drug trafficking.

According to our source, Awada is a hit man who has played on more than one table. It has already been associated with the camp Raynald Desjardins, but it would not be the case. "Its scope was intimidation," jobs ball "extortion for Italian criminals, like Joseph Ducarme in another jurisdiction," describes our source.

He was able to connect with Giuseppe De Vito, another notorious gangster held after Operation Coliseum in 2006. He was also able to connect with Salvatore Scoppa, which, according to several sources, has a monopoly on heroin on the Boulevard Saint-Laurent in the north and north-east of Montreal. It is also in this area has been shot Tony Gensale, Thursday, November 15 in the afternoon. He left the gym where he practiced taekwondo, boulevard Saint-Laurent Street near Sauriol, when he was hit by several bullets.

"Gensale was not an impact player, it seems to be a matter of territory. It became annoying. This is the territory of Salvatore Scoppa, "says our informant.

According to him, the murders such as that of Awada can be committed in a "preventive". That is to say, a faction that wants to eliminate elements capable of responding to an attack against a member of the largest clan.

"It's like chess. Before reaching the queen, the king we must eliminate pawns "illustrates our interlocutor.

Return to the country of Vito Rizzuto after several years of detention in the United States may not be a stranger to this agitation.

"It is not necessarily the one who gives the green light, but it can be caught by against decisions to subordinates, telling them," You know what you gotta do, '"our source analysis.

Another source says that "the mafia, it's always moving. Even if you do not like people with whom we did business or who have had to pay taxes, the established order ensured that everyone had his share of the cake and roll business. Positioning is taking place again, the pieces are placed and undesirable are away. There is a need to regain the monopoly of the sale of narcotics. "

To return to Scoppa, he is the brother of Andrew Scoppa, with whom he had several disputes in the past. Andrew reign of Parc-Extension and Park Avenue, according to investigators. It may be that he was targeted in a recent arson fitness Kardiologik on Boulevard Saint-Laurent near the Jean-Talon, he frequents assiduously and he may be the true owner, the sources said.

The evidence collected during the investigation Coliseum, it was learned that in a territorial dispute that opposed to a member of the Hells Angels, the powerful right arm Rizzuto, Francesco Arcadi, decided to support it.

But it might also be in favor in the eyes of the Rizzuto clan.

"The coming months will tell us a lot about Scoppa. It is part of the people we have loved seeing defend the family in the absence of Vito Rizzuto. Expectations were high and Vito is not happy. As in the case of Di Maulo, "says our source.

Last edited by Giordano; 12/13/12 06:02 PM.