Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: merlino
So many murders in Philly, 316 as of today and 324 was last year total, this guy was making a statement,

If (and it's a big if right now) this guy is the shooter, the biggest statement that he sent was that he's an imbecile.

I mean, a made guy basically getting caught in the act of murder, smack dab in the middle of his boss's trial? Come on! lol

And I seem to remember the last time an Italian American guy made a statement around Christmas time. Hmmm, I think it was 1985?? Yeah, things worked out REAL well for that guy whistle.

I don't follow Philly too closely. I don't live there and I don't consider myself an Internet mobwatcher because I basically only post about New York, mostly the Bronx and Manhattan (areas that I'm in every day). But my early opinion is that if this guy Nicodemo pulled the trigger, then it was unsanctioned, unplanned, or both.

And if that's the case, then he is, indeed, an idiot. Either that or he's looking to get himself killed. There are such unfortunates in this world. But only time will tell.

what do you mean by statement exactly?cause he was a jailhouse snitch or something.
Again i think it was probably a spontaneous on the spot situation but then again they guy is a sociopathic gangster so anything goes i guess.