Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Originally posted by bogey:
[b] Too many topics have had to be closed lately ohwell
Had to be, or were? [/b]
Good point.


And it yet other news, my dad called himself Mussolini today. We were having a fight, which was a stupid fight to begin with. When I came home from Morgantown the last time, I only packed 3 shirts, because I was planning to be home for 3 days. Well, I've been home for almost 2 weeks now. I already had to buy 2 shirts off the clearance rack. So I was trying to borrow some of my brothers' shirts, and apparently I grabbed the wrongs one. I told my dad I'd been recycling the same 3 shirts for 2 weeks now.. and he said that I only have 3 shirts anyway. So I corrected him.. and he flipped out. He clicked his heels together and saluted me, and said "I am MUSSOLINI. And YOU and YOUR BROTHERS are my subjects." So I laughed at him. I mean, what a ridiculous thing to say! He kept going.. he said THIS IS A DICTATORSHIP. WHAT I SAY GOES. YOU DON'T MATTER.. YADDA YADDA YADDA. rolleyes

So I've been speaking Italian to my mom all day (she took his side in the fight). "Scusi, Signora Mussolini..." "Mi dispiace, Signora Mussolini..." wink

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club