also known as "Rom,"
GLASSER, United States District Judge:

The intercepted conversations of Cafaro which are sought to be introduced in
evidence are set out in full:
The March 22, 2000 conversation:
Thomas Cafaro = Cafaro; Michael D'Urso = CW

CW: Let's just hope your friend don't leave, gonna be there.
CAFARO: Me, I believe, it's his if he wants it. And that's how 1-
CW: He might not want it. But then again you know what, he's not gonna
turn away because he ain't gonna subject himself to have listen to
all of these fuckin' idiots - after what he knows what's right and
CAFARO: Well - then he may leave somebody there and talk to them.
CW: Right.
CAFARO: Like everybody else did.
CW: He can't leave his guys.
CW: We'd all be running for the hills. [Pause]. See I didn't think there
was any of that.
CAFARO: I can't believe they didn't make, when he had his, when he
, It should be noted that the indictment in this RA alleges that the parties agreed,
rather than conspired to extort John Doe #2.
2 went in for the surgery and when he had the heat, I'm
surprised they didn't pull him out then.
cw: Who's gonna pull him out? Who's gonna pull him?
CW: You gotta be around to actually do something like that, I mean? You
know what's gonna happen?
CAFARO: How'd they put him in?
CW: What? You don't think your friend put him there?
CAFARO: Well, so they send him word. [U/I] put somebody else, who
do you want?
CW: Yeah who do you want? Who's gonna take it? Who's gonna take it?
CAFARO: Somebody will do him a favor if they ask him.
cw: Chuck don't want it.
CAFARO: If the other guy asked him.
CW: You know fuckin' Dom don't want it.
CAFARO: No - but I said, uh.
cw: Ernie will take it.
CAFARO: Yeah. What do you call it?
CW: He wouldn't be bad there.
CAFARO: NoCW: from what I hear about him.
CAFARO: You know who would have been good too, but he don't want
it? Is Tony from Corona.
cw: Oh, he don't want it either?
CAFARO: Nah. He has a ton of money.
3 CW: Uh, forget it. [U II] close with Mickey all these years. They use
excuses. I gotta take care of Mickey, I gotta do this.
CAFARO: He would have been good.
CW: You know him good?
cw: He's respected.
CAFARO: Patty knows him well.
CW: He's acting right now?
CAFARO: Him? No. He walked. He gave everything up.
cw: He's still a skipper, huh?
CAFARO: He gave, he gave that up.
CW: Who the fuck do they?
CAFARO: They got his guy out there. Tommy Z's cousin stays with him.
CW: Rom?
cw: They put Rom there?
cw: Corne on?
CAFARO: That's what I heard.
cw: He finished [UjI]
cw: [UjI]
CAFARO: Well, yeah, exactly. But still, you know.
4 CW: Listen, everybody uses scapegoats, let's be realistic. But I don't
agree with that, I gotta tell you the truth. I mean it works, but I
don't agree with it.
CAFARO: Let me tell you something. He gave up all of his business. He
gave up his bookmaking, shylocking, everything. He gave it to Rom.
He gave it to him.
CW: Really?
CAFARO: He's so wealthy, real estate wise. He's got buildings; he's got
property; he's got the restaurant. What the fuck does he need? And
he's smart.
cw: You can't forget how you got it.
CAFARO: Well, I'm sure he does what he has to do for the old timers.
CW: Well, take a guy like that. Don't they take that as an insult that he
doesn't want it? If you're needed, you're needed.
CAFARO: You don't know how he told him. We don't know what he
told him. He may have had a legitimate you know?
CW: Sometimes you've gotta help this thing. Not everyone can run away
from it. You gonna run away from it then hang your thing up and
take it on the hop.
CAFARO: What I'm saying is, he may have said, I've got to do certain
things, you know?
CAFARO: You wanna know something?
CW: [U/I] everything
CAFARO: Smart guys, you don't want them taking that position
because eventually they get, they go and what are you gonna have?
You see what's happening in all the other crews. They got amateurs.
CW: Yup. People gotta stay behind the scenes a little bit.
CAFARO: Oh, without a doubt. That's why all those years, nobody knew
who Ben was. See, nobody knew who he was.
CW: No, huh.
5 CAFARO: Nobody.
CW: See Joe, Joe never wanted it.
CW: He said, I've got everyone's ear, what do I need it for?
CAFARO: Well, that's the same thing I'm saying. What do I need
anything for? I just hang out with our friends.
CAFARO: Our friend, he's gonna look out for me.
CW: No doubt about it.
* * *
The June 14, 2000 conversation:
Thomas Cafaro = Cafaro; Michael D'Urso = CW
CAFARO: I used to laugh because there's a guy Joe CIA) construction.
He was very close to CUI). He used to tell him look you got this
business, let's put Tommy there. CUI) he used to tell him, no,
Tommy's alright he's got enough. I used to tell him, Pal, Something
I know I'm doing, you know, that maybe I forgot?
CW: Then what'd he say?
CAFARO: No, nothing. He said, "Don't worry about it." And that was it.
You know, then he got pinched. The kid Nicky, that young kid. Ton
of fucking money. Me and the Old Timer, that I was with that night,
we shake our heads. We can't believe. He says all these pieces of
shit, CUI) this guy the money.
CW: It's not good. People start saying, what the fuck, did they need it
CAFARO: Well, now hopefully, you know, when he comes homes we'll
get a couple of things going. Who knows?
CW: Does the old timer [ChuckyTuzzo] down there see him? Does he go
see him at all?
CAFARO: No he can't, he can't go see him. He would love to. Think
that's why. I vote for him.
6 CW: Whose he answer to? Does he go see Tony too?
CAFARO: No, they see him.
CW: They see him?
CAFARO: No. They go see him, you know. He could have been there.
He turned it down.
CW: He don't look like he, he wanted it anyway.
CAFARO: They wanted him for a while. They've been on... He
used to be around Tony all the time, he's on a lot of tapes with Tony.
cw: He's no flashy guy either.
CAFARO: He used to be some fucking, you know-dapper
CW: Oh
CAFARO: He used to be, remember the old man Mickey, Generoso,
Mickey Dimino?
CW: No.
CAFARO: That was the meeting with him. They used to come every day.
I used to tell them, you look like the Bobsey twins.
CW: He's got cancer too.
CAFARO: You know, he stays behind the scenes. You know, tries to
help him out. He was coaching him for a while, you know. If he
would have listened, if Farby would have listened to him, he would
never had a problem.
CW: With what?
CAFARO: When he was going on meets and stuff, they were gonna set
it up. We'll bring you. My guys will bring you. Three, four cars. One
guy picked him up, bring him to another spot. You know, that's how
that guy is. When you go to a meeting, you know, you gotta 7:00
appointment. They start out three in the afternoon.
CW: Whose this?
7 CAFARO: The old timer.
CW: Yeah.
CAFARO: Start out three in the afternoon. One guy picks him up, brings him
here. He stays there. Then another guy takes him here. By the time he get's
over there, he went from here to here to here to here to there. By then, they
got to know if somebody's - you know. That's how he is. I never call him.
We never talk to each other on the phone. I left him that night. He knows
the next month I'll see him this date, at this time. If I'm not there,
something's wrong.
CW: Well what if you got an emergency?
CAFARO: If I got one? Well, I call somebody. CUI) He's got no more
CW: Got a phone?
He's a hundred percent for our friend. A million percent for
CW: He's just a skipper right? He used to be a skipper right?
CAFARO: He's got a good .... They've got a good bunch of guys. They've
got a solid ...
CW: Who?
CAFARO: The old timer. He's got Tough Tony Corona.
CW: He's got em?
CAFARO: Yeah. They, you know. They're all with him. They've got Rom.
They got Tough Tony, they got this kid Mikey the Blonde.
CW: Good guys?
CAFARO: Oh yea, They're smart. CUI)
CAFARO: I know Rom like that.
8 cw: Rom's alright.
CAFARO: I know him like that. I met him twice.
CW: He's at the fucking track everyday ..
CAFARO: Tony came home from prison, wanted nothing to do with
it anymore. He gave everything away. CUI) Property.
CW: Who does?
CW: Rom, Rom. He's a friendly guy, you know. He's just, he's not as polished as Tony is.
CAFARO: No. No, Can't compare them. Night and day, night and day.
CAFARO: See Tommy Z. You met Tommy Z, right? Tommy LaRusso's
CW: Right
CAFARO: That's how I met Tommy Z. I met him down at the EI
CW: Does Rom know Patty?
CAFARO: Patty used to go out there when my father was around. My
father was close to him. Every Friday night, he used to go out.
CW: They must have just straightened Rom out the last ....
CAFARO: No, for years.
CW: Tony needed that.
CAFARO: He could have had it.
CW: You can't fucking ...
CAFARO: He could have had it. He didn't want it.
CAFARO: He turned it down.
CW: Know what's gonna happen, pretty soon, they're gonna start telling
9 people you have to take it. Or otherwise ...
CAFARO: Usually no one refuses it. Smart people refuse,
CW: You know what I mean?
CAFARO: Tony. They get along good. He does a lot for him.
Helps him with his case. Helping him out.
CW: Tony's got a lot of CUI) .
CAFARO: He loves that restaurant - I mean he really works there.
cw: OhYeah.
CAFARO: He fucking walks around. We were in there one night. He
walked by the table. I mean, You know, he came to sit with us later
on. Every fucking waiter, he kicked them in the leg because there
was a chair backed up against the wall, and it was scratching the
thing. He buys a certain kind of meat, it's gotta be cut a certain way.


this was posted by sharpieone on the other side

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.