Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
PB sometimes I sense like a little sadness that NY has changed so much over time to how it is today? I din't mean the mob element

Sure it makes me sad, Nicky. Not so much for the mob element. I grew up with that crap all my life. You get your fill after so many years. But it's the way things changed in general. You take the working class out of New York and it's not New York anymore. It saddens and angers me at the same time, buddy.

Originally Posted By: SilentPartnerz
Dude, when I was a kid in the 70's, I could not wait to cut school, take the train to Grand Central, and walk to 42nd St. The sex shops, 3 card monte games on the street, hookers everywhere, man it was a freakin' education! God I miss it. Guiliani wiped it all away. Clean city now. Manhatten anyway.

Yeah, Giuliani cleaned it up, but it's Bloomberg who took it upon himself to "brand" the city. Sure, Manhattan will always be a tourist spot. Greatest city in the world and all that. But if it were up to Bloomie (and thank God it's not TOTALLY up to him), this place would be all movie stars and Yuppies rolleyes.

SilentPartnerz----I assumed that you were originally a New Yorker. Where did you grow up? I ask because we must be relatively close in age. I turned 53 a few months ago.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.