Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: King
Maybe Lucali's Restaurant in Brooklyn, a few Bonanno crime family fights. De Robertis Pastry Shop in Manhattan, was a known hangout for the Gambino and Genovese families. John's Italian Restaurant in Manhattan, Rocco Valenti was whacked hear and was a known hang around for the Genovese crime family. Bari Restaurant Supply in Manhattan, Sal Avellino ate at this restaurant and his car was bugged here also Big Paul, Anthony Salerno and Tony Ducks once had a meeting here.

All true, King. It's also all ancient history. Today you have a better chance of meeting a fashion designer on Mulberry Street than a wiseguy. Make that a gay fashion designer.

PB sometimes I sense like a little sadness that NY has changed so much over time to how it is today? I don't mean the mob element, but just the old neighbourhoods etc. Iv'e only been there once but I too in a way wanted to find NY like the movies and books I read, times of the 50s, 60s, 70s.

Dude, when I was a kid in the 70's, I could not wait to cut school, take the train to Grand Central, and walk to 42nd St. The sex shops, 3 card monte games on the street, hookers everywhere, man it was a freakin' education! God I miss it. Guiliani wiped it all away. Clean city now. Manhatten anyway.

"Three can keep a secret..if two are dead."
Calogero Minacore