Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: sitonmyface11
there is a common misconception that all 'associates' are just 'partners in crime'.many assoxiates are nothing more than a lousy gambler who was slapped around.

lol lol

I can't tell you guys how true this statement is. I grew up with a lot of guys who only ended up "with" someone because they couldn't bring themselves to bet against the Jets or the Yankees.

That's how they ended up in the life. And a lot of times, these same brokesters ended up with their buttons. So the next time you think of the "made man" myth of honor and all that, just keep in mind that some of them started out in tremendous hock because they were gambling degenerates.

And many high rankers, Jackie D'amico they say has gambled away a ton of money and of course we all know about how Gotti was