Even sets within a street gang ( Crips, Bloods, Gangster Disciples, Latin Kingz, Mara Salvatrucha, Asian Boyz,...) can differ greatly. A lot of sets have really very little saying in organized crime and mostly focus on small robberies, petty drug sales,... Street gangs nationwide have about 50,000 members and the disorganized sets are definitely the (large) majority. A lot of street gang members are young kids and even most of these people neither have the brains nor the willingness to think to make a good career in organized crime.
But within all of these gangs there are sets, largely consisting of the adult members, that have outgrown the status of petty criminals and become organized crime firms. They are a minority, but still a large enough minority to be counted as a force to be reckoned with. And in my honest opinion there isn't really much of a difference between the soldiers of an Italian, Russian, Albanian,...mafia and the soldiers of an organized Black, Hispanic, Southeast Asian or White Trash street gang.