Originally Posted By: sitonmyface11
thanks hairy.yes thats charles tuzzo.'chuckie'. he was also called 'chickie',but he was much younger then.lol.

i never knew mickeys dad jimmy was an 'uptown' guy.who did he answer to?

mick was big into numbers. he owned a 'bank'. the 'bank' is basically a central office where bets were deposited and winners paid out.a lot of bets [like sports] were taken 'on credit', your customers could all pay up at the end of the week. a 'bank' needs enough money on hand to pay winners off for a week before collecting there debts. he had a 'runner' named 'zane'.lol. zane used to be the 'notoriously worst' card cheat youve ever seen. he usef to pull these old scams at games all over the place.mickey probably represented that guy in more fucking sit downs than he could count.he was 'banned' from carmine's place on 18th as well as 'pineys' after hours joint on cropsey. once zane got his wife to phone in a 'bomb threat' on a game where he was up a few hundred dollars.lol! the cops came, arrested everyone [including zane],took everyones money.lol. that was zane though,'one step forward, two steps back'.

jesus sorry to rant fellas.

I guess Jimmy was a lower Manhattan guy primarily, but also used that location in upper Manhattan for his bookmaking operation. That is if the informant, who claimed this, was right. Jimmy was a captain, so I guess he answered only to the Genovese biggies at the time (Eboli, Miranda and Catena).

Sit, keep on ranting. Love your stories! smile

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