Originally posted by Mignon:
How was the trip? Hope ya had a good time. Glad you're back
Originally posted by Letizia B.:
Yeah, it's a good month, isn't it? There's XDC, too.

Speaking of which, XDC, I wanna hear all about your trip! Where'd you go, what'd you see, do you have pictures, and most importantly, was there drama, or is everything still okay?
Originally posted by bogey:
Seconded. XDC- Spill your guts!!!!
Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Yea XXX, how was your trip? I know you mentioned where in CA you were going, but I forgot? Didn't you get some cool and rainy weather? This week it's beautiful and well into the 80's in my area.

Wow...so many people interested in little ol' me. blush

The trip was fantastic, and thankfully...there was no drama...at least until I got home.

The weather was about 50/50, I'd say. We had a few cool, rainy days, and a few days where it was at LEAST 400ยบ! lol

We didn't do many "touristy" things this time around. We've done all those things before.

There was a last minute switch in where we were staying. We ended up staying in the city of Orange, at an M-6 on Chapman. We could see the Angel's Stadium from where we were (we were literally minutes from Anaheim).

Speaking of Chapman Avenue, Chapman is also the street the Crystal Cathedral is located on. We passed by it everytime we were headed towards Target, or to The Block (Zia and TIS should know what The Block is).

The trip was great, though. My girlfriend and I worked through the "many" issues we have (some of you know what I'm referring to), and our relationship is stronger than ever now.

We went shopping, we went out to eat, saw a movie (The Sentinel), and just spent a lot of time together. It was great.

Speaking of going out to eat...there's this Chinese place on Chapman, almost directly across from the Crystal Cathedral. ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIC FOOD...AND THEY GIVE YOU PLENTY! It looks really sloppy....but my God, it was divine. I had some type of spicy pork, and lo mein. The noodles are great. The name of the place eludes me at the moment.

The only thing that went wrong while I was gone was my cell phone completely crapping out on me. I don't know what happened. I was texting everyone to let them know I arrived safe and sound. The phone completely shut off. When I turned it back on, it prompted me for my unlock code. I entered it, and it won't accept it. So now I gotta get a new cell.

Then yesterday, I had my surgery on my wrist. We had to leave my house at 2:30 a.m, and drive 150 miles to Baltimore. We got there about 5:15 a.m (to Baltimore, that is.) We needed to be to the hospital by 6:30, so we've got plenty of time, right? ...yea, one would think. lol

NO ONE knew where this f*cking hospital was! We printed out directions from Mapquest...but history and experience has shown me that MapQuest it useless. lol

We drove around downtown Baltimore for 2 hours. We asked four different people how to get to Union Memorial...we got 4 different answers!

Finally, my father stopped at a parking meter, we got off the car and walked to a bustop to look at a map. We found Union Memorial on the map...but there was no little arrow thingy on the map telling us where WE were on the map.

Thankfully, a very nice man joined us at the bustop, and I decided to ask him for help. He told us Union Memorial is uptown. We were about 30 blocks from where we needed to be. lol

The man's directions got us exactly where we needed to be. Had it not been for him, I don't think we woulda found the damn place! lol

So we get there (45 minutes late), but we didn't have to wait very long. Within 5 minutes, I was called over to the registration desk. I signed the necessary paperwork, they took me back, got me changed into my hospital gowns. A nurse came in and explained some pertinent info to me. She then hooked me up to an IV to get some fluids in me. The anesthesiologists (sp?) came in and explained what they were gonna be doing. Then I hugged my dad, and made my way to the OR.

They layed me down on the table and hooked me up to an oxygen tank. Then they administered the anesthesia through my IV. I felt it IMMEDIATELY! I told them "This won't put me out...I assure you." I then remember waking up in recovery. lol

My dad told me the procedure took about an hour and 45 minutes. It felt like I was asleep for only 10 minutes!

They kept me in recovery for about an hour. The doctor prescribed me some Percocet (woo hoo!) and something for nausea. I was so out of it yesterday, I couldn't walk. I got a free pillow though! grin

I am in an extreme amount of pain. The percocet does help...but it makes me high more than it kills the pain.

Wow, that post was longer than I intended...and I typed it all with one hand!

Thanks for asking, everyone, and many thanks to those who brave this post!

"Growing up my dad was like 'You have a great last name, Galifianakis. Galifianakis...begins with a gal...and ends with a kiss...' I'm like that's great dad, can we get it changed to 'Galifianafuck' please?" -- Zach Galifianakis