And again....

Superboss Bernardo Provenzano Takes A Tumble

Bernardo Provenzano, the one-time boss of bosses over the Sicilian Mafia who was apprehended in 2006, apparently had a fall in his prison cell, and has been admitted to the hospital for a 15-day period of observation as reported by AGI.

He probably just broke a nail.

This is the second trip to the hospital for the former mob boss in recent days.

Last week Provenzano was taken to the emergency room for a battery of tests after his defense lawyer claimed the 79-year-old was unfit to participate in a preliminary hearing concerning the alleged negotiations during the early 1990s between officials and mobsters for an end to the Mafia's stragismo -- strategy of terror -- against the state as reported by ANSA.

Malingering is a common tactic among mobsters, and Provenzano has a history as a drama queen.

Earlier this year Provenzano purportedly attempted to suffocate himself with a plastic bag in his jail cell but officials suspected it was a ploy to avoid appearing at multiple ongoing Mafia trials as reported by Nick Pisa for The Telegraph:
Medical staff who arrived at the scene at the prison in Parma said there was no need for the Mafia kingpin to be taken to hospital and there were no consequences for his health as a result of the attempt. Prison chiefs claim that the suicide bid had been part of a plot for Provenzano, who has had treatment for prostate cancer, to pass himself off as insane.

Mobsters will concoct all sorts of creative ruses to avoid accepting responsibility for their actions.

Last edited by carmela; 12/06/12 11:14 AM.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.