Originally Posted By: Mr_Willie_Cicci
4) Why didn't the Mob ever put out a contract on Henry after he flipped? His whereabouts were pretty well known after he got kicked out of the Witness Protection Program so I'm surprised no up and comer tried to take him out after Goodfellas came out or that a guy like John Gotti didn't put a price on his head.

He was too high profile at that point. It would have been suicidal to clip a rat as famous as Hill at that point.

We've touched on this many times before, but there's really no upside to killing a rat after he testifies. The damage is already done and you run the risk of really pissing off the Feds. This isn't Sicily (or even Canada).

If you can get to a guy before he testifies, that's one thing. To clip him afterwards has very little upside. And forget about that "sending a message" nonsense. Who wants to send a message if the price you pay is life in jail for your entire crew?

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.