I have to say, IMO, one of the biggest flaws in Godfather Part III, besides Michael's haircut, was the way Connie was involved in the Family business.

I'm sorry but in a MAFIA family that's just laughable. Then (in 1979) and now. Making a non-Italian like Tom Hagen Consigliere was considered a mistake back in the 1940s but was accepted...But having Connie act as de facto Underboss...I think that was way to far. I don't see how any of the other Families could've respected Michael for having a woman (his sister or not) so involved with things.

Having Connie's character take care of Michael and act as a caretaker to him, being loyal to the Family she'd run away from, justifying her brother and her father's lives, would be one thing--and it'd be in line with her character arc as shown in Pt. II. It'd make her like Meadow Soprano, in a way. The brat daughter who goes from hating her father's way of life to accepting and defending it.

I just see having Connie sit in and comment on high level sitdowns (like the one between Zasa and Vincent) and having her help arrange hits is a bit too unrealistic even for The Godfather series. I'm surprised Coppolla had none of the other Mafia characters in Part III comment on this.