Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
Originally Posted By: SC
Thanks for those two links, Lilo. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Margaret.

One touching part of the episode - when Richard brought Tommy to his girlfriend's (Julia) house and Julia's father told her to put Tommy in his son's room (which had been off-limits before). The father, in a somber and sober moment then told Richard that "soldiers don't come home like this" (or something to that effect).

Now that I think of it, yeah that was a good scene. Julia's father excepting Richard for being a soldier and a good person. Tommy's the son of a gunner, I can see him growing up maybe in season 5 and becoming a solider(whether its thru OC or Government)and in the last season kill Nucky to avenge his fathers death.

I like that....sux season is over