Originally Posted By: Dandi
Great, great episode - and season, for that matter - but Luciano being stung with the heroin deal, that all completely lost me. Still have no idea how that scam was pulled off on him or what the motivation was for it to be done???

Arnold Rothstein was behind this. The two undercover cops who busted Luciano were in Rothstein's pocket. Arnold was hoping to get Lucky's supply of heroin, and he did when Lucky gave it up to the cops (to save himself from jail). Rothstein then offered a partnership to Joe Masseria if he would drop his support of Gyp Rossetti. So, Rothstein beat Luciano out of drugs and he beat Nucky out of control of the distillery (or so he thought).

Nucky set Rothstein up, though. Nucky, through his connection with Armand Means got the government to crack down on that distillery's owner (now Arnold Rothstein).

Lots of treachery but it looks like Nucky came out of it good and Rothstein looks to be in big trouble now. We'll see what happens next season.

FWIW - I loved the treachery part.... it makes for a good storyline.
