[Frank's mother has died and Fritzy consoles his pal as only he can. First, he complains that his own mom is driving him crazy. He follows with the obligatory rant about the missus. Then the guys laugh about the kooky antics of Genovese boss Vincent "Chin" Gigante, who's been noshing with "The Bloomer" at the Carnegie Deli. Oh, and we don't know if those nuns still hustle the West Side piers]

Frank: Hello?

Fritzy: Mr. Frank.

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: How are ya, Mr. Frank? How do you feel?

Frank: Huh?

Fritzy: How do you feel?

Frank: Alright.

Fritzy: I woke you up?

Frank: I was sleepin'.

Fritzy: Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Frank: I went to bed this mornin', 5:30.

Fritzy: The, the vampire had you out?

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: Marone a mi.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: Well, what time ya...

Frank: I'll sleep a couple of hours. Tired.

Fritzy: I'll hang up, I won't bother you.

Frank: How you doin'?

Fritzy: I figured I'd call ya up, see how you're feeling, you know, ya, ya, you know, I didn't talk to you since, uh, I last saw ya, you know?

Frank: How do you feel?

Fritzy: I'm alright, my mother, you know, she's, ah, f***ing headaches.

Frank: What's the matter?

Fritzy: Ah, she's up and down. She's, you know, if I, if I leave her alone she's very confused, ya know? She talks, but when she comes to doin' things, she's very confused. She gets mis, dis, you know, disoriented so I, you gotta put her back on the track. So somebody's gotta be there. I'm f***ing goin' crazy. Back, forth, back, forth, forth, back.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: But, uh, how you feel?

Frank: Alright, Freddie.

Fritzy: Alright, I don't, you know, just felt bad for ya, you know what I mean?

Frank: Whattya gonna do?

Fritzy: I know, I know. Whattya gonna do? Eh, now, now all little memories start racing through your head.

Frank: It's all over now.

Fritzy: I know.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: I know. ya know?

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: They say, "They broke the chain." Boom. You know that?

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: The chain, that's how the f***in' chain breaks.

Frank: Everybody alright?

Fritzy: My, eh, you know, my wife, eh. Ah, healthwise, they're fine.

Frank: She botherin' ya?

Fritzy: Oh yeah. Forget about it, Frankie.

Frank: She still the same?

Fritzy: Forget about it. She talks to me, "Are you and Gail, Gail and you...", like we're, like we're a couple. I mean, you know, I mean, like you wanna knock her in the f***ing head when she talks, you know? "Well you and Gail and...Gail and you." Imagine this? Imagine this f***ing woman.

Frank: Marone, huh?

Fritzy: Imagine this? I mean, instead of sayin', you know, "That other one," or something like that, "that f***ing c*n*," or this or whatever. "Gail and you. You and Gail." Like whatta, whatta we a pair I told her or somethin'? Alright?

Fritzy: Alright? She f***ing knows how to gnaw at you.

Frank: You still cookin'?

Fritzy: No, I quit.

Frank: You gave it up?

Fritzy: Yep. I f***ing quit.

Frank: You were makin' 'em too strong.

Fritzy: Ah, fuck it. She's gotta come in, she's, oh, what f***ing problems I had. I had a rib roast upstairs, right?

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: So I turn around, I figured she's gonna make it.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: And, you know, with all of us. She turns a, hey, Buddy's comin' in here. He's bringin' me some stuff. Bring it in. See what he's got. And, uh, she goes, I says, "Why'd ya make the rib, the rib roast? Geez, I, you know, I woulda liked to, you know, why didn't tell me you were gonna make it." "Oh yeah, well I gotta tell you when I wanna eat?" Da this and that, whatnot, "Uh, the other one, how many ribs did you give her with the rib roast with the roast? Now you're gonna go bim, buh-bum, buh-bum." Imagine this? The roast. With two f***ing words I said. Wait, the door's open. Wait, I gotta open up the door, just a minute...Hello?

Frank: Yeah, Freddie.

Fritzy: Alright, eh, go back to bed. I don't wanna, alright? Go back to sleep, pal.

Frank: No, that's alright.

Fritzy: I woke you up. I didn't know, I figured two o'clock you're up.

Frank: Helen was here.

Fritzy: Yeah?

Frank: She just left.

Fritzy: And?

Frank: She wanted me to get up. I says, "Get out. Leave me alone, huh."

Fritzy: No kiddin'? So in other words, she bothered you too.

Frank: She came...

Fritzy: Ah, it looks like everybody's botherin' you, Cal.

Frank: Nah, that's alright.

Fritzy: Yeah?

Frank: The nun called me up.

Fritzy: Yeah?

Frank: She was on her way to the, for the funeral.

Fritzy: Yeah.

Frank: She got stuck in traffic 'til 12 o'clock.

Fritzy: Whattya mean?

Frank: Comin' here, she got stuck.

Fritzy: Oh yeah?

Frank: Yeah. She says, I says, "Where are you at now?"

Fritzy: Yeah?

Frank: She says, "I'm on Pier 36."

Fritzy: What the hell's she doin' there?

Frank: Hustlin'.

Fritzy: Oh yeah? She goes with the can?

Frank: She goes there, they take her with the car and they hustle.

Fritzy: Oh yeah? Her and the other one, huh?

Frank: They beg. That's their order.

Fritzy: Oh, yeah?

Frank: That's how I met her, from the piers.

Fritzy: Oh. And they wind up with a, a, a C-note apiece, they made.

Frank: Oh, you shoulda heard 'em.

Fritzy: Wha?

Frank: She wants, uh, your name and address. I says, "No, send it to me, don't worry about it."

Fritzy: Marone, she wants a, 'cause she figures she's got a live wire here.

Frank: Nah, she's gonna send you something.

Fritzy: Yeah? Ah, well that was for your mother. I, I really, I...

Frank: You know how she is.

Fritzy: You know. They used to go see your mother?

Frank: Go see her? Forget about it.

Fritzy: Huh?

Frank: Forget about it. She used to feed her, everything.

Fritzy: See, that's why I did that, you know, I knew that, uh, they were a good help to her 'cause you used to tell me, you know what I mean? You told me...

Frank: Money every time.

Fritzy: Yeah, that's good. That's alright. Yeah. The Jaw gave her a C-note too, you know?

Frank: We send her to Italy.

Fritzy: What?

Frank: We send her to Italy.

Fritzy: Yeah?

Frank: My brother and I.

Fritzy: Yeah, but The Jaw, The Jaw gave her a C-note.

Frank: Yeah, I know.

Fritzy: Yeah, he, he, ah, he parted.

Fritzy: Alright. Give everybody a kiss.

Frank: Love is in the air.

Fritzy: Yeah? Let me ask you something. The Bloomer is back? I thought The Bloomer went away?

Frank: She's back.

Fritzy: Oh, mamma mi. He's got, he must, that must be must be the 5 o'clock in the mornin' appointment.

Frank: Picks her up at 3 o'clock in the mornin'.

Fritzy: Mamma mi.

Frank: Then we went to the Carnegie.

Fritzy: Marone.

Frank: He ate a turkey sandwich.

Fritzy: Marone. Well, he's loosenin' up. He's loosening up anyhow. Ah, he looks happy, but. He looks happy. I dunno, maybe it's doing him some good. Huh?

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: Am I right?

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: I'll tell ya, ya know, he needed that little change maybe. So don't pick on me when I fool around.

Frank: Huh?

Frank: He wanted to walk, he hadda walk on Broadway...

Fritzy: Yeah?

Frank: Heart trails, you know?

Fritzy: Yeah?

Frank: He thinks the sun was shining.

Fritzy: Yeah? Eh, look, too bad you're out so late but, that's the only thing.

Frank: Ah, this is Dracula.

Fritzy: I know, I know. It's no doubt. You know why? He feels safer, you, ya gotta understand. There's peace and quiet at that hour. I think that means a lot to him.

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: You know what I mean? I understand. I know what he, I, I know what he...

Frank: There's nobody to spy...

Fritzy: That's what I mean. He feels, uh, free. He's free at that hour.

Frank: Yeah. He's got the cape, you gotta get him the cape with the hat and everything.

Fritzy: Yeah, I know.