[Federico "Fritzy" Giovanelli and Frank "Frankie California" Condo talking about financial advice]

Frank: Well, you got a, you, you were workin' a little bit, no Freddie?

Fritzy: Yeah, I am. Yeah, well, my boss has been good with me.

Frank: Yeah?

Fritzy: Yeah. I'll tell ya, I got sick, he didn't take me off the payroll or nothin', ya know?

Frank: Oh, that's nice.

Fritzy: He, ya know, he was very good about it. So...

Frank: That's good.

Fritzy: So, at least I, I didn't have to go on a f***ing disability claim.

Frank: Right.

Fritzy: Well, thank God for that.

Frank: That's the main thing.

Fritzy: In other words, I had to go on disability.

Frank: Yeah?

Fritzy: Who the f***, how the f*** you gonna survive?

Frank: I know.

Fritzy: You know, uh, lot of things.

Frank: I know what it is. I get my pension check, my friend, helps me out a lot, too.

Fritzy: Eh, I wish I had one.

Frank: Huh?

Fritzy: I wish I had one...

Frank: I worked all my life.

Fritzy: I, well, whattya think I done?

Frank: I know.

Fritzy: Ya know, I'm on a f***ing, I'm paying Social Security since I'm 18. I'm 53 years old. I never missed a f***ing year.

Frank: Well, you have a pension when you get older.

Fritzy: Yeah, but look at the, what pension I'm gonna have?

Frank: Why?

Fritzy: I, if I could take my money, Reagan (President) is passing a new law.

Frank: Yeah?

Fritzy: That you don't have to join the Social Security.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: And you as an individual could say, "I don't wish to participate in Social Security."

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: Now, there's states that abide by that, ya know?

Frank: Yeah, but that's a good thing.

Fritzy: What?

Frank: Social Security.

Fritzy: No it ain't.

Frank: Why?

Fritzy: Because if you add up what I put into Social Security...

Frank: Yeah, go ahead and add it up. And when you hit 65, you know what you're gonna get back?

Fritzy: What?

Frank: You get like 1500 a month. You might get a thousand a month and you might, say you're gonna live 'til 80 years old.

Fritzy: Yeah. Oogatz, yeah.

Frank: You gonna live 65, 70, 75...

Fritzy: Yeah. Tony Andrews, the first f***ing check he never cashed. He was 65.

Frank: He did, he never...

Fritzy: He never cashed the f***ing thing.

Frank: No, he died, huh?

Fritzy: He died, before, he couldn't even cash the f***ing thing. It came and he died before...

Frank: How long is he dead now?

Fritzy: Marone. I don't know, about ten years.

Frank: He woulda been, like uh...

Fritzy: Nah, he woulda been...

Frank: 75.

Fritzy: 75. He was young.

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: He was young, ya know. But, hey, the booze.

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: The f***ing booze.

Frank: That f***ing booze, you abuse it.

Fritzy: An alcoholic. I used to call him Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: Yep, no f***ing good.

Frank: He borrowed ya?

Fritzy: Yep, but that, I don't care about that. I don't mind a guy borrowin', he ain't got nothing. This guy's got.

Frank: Yeah?

Fritzy: Yeah, this coc*suck**. This, I'm gonna, ya know, really. He's got...

Frank: ...home, he's got a, he's got a condominium.

Fritzy: He's got a condo, he's buyin' a new car. That's when I wanna, "You coc*suck**. That three, that five, six thousand dollars that you gonna go put on a f***ing car, you f***ing no good coc*suck**, you." You know, really?

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: No good bas***d

Frank: Never made an attempt...

Fritzy: What about all the f***ing jewelry, all the f***ing jewelry they got. Nice.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: If I had, I owed my f***ing money, I'd take all the rings, everything I got and I'd go and sell 'em and say, "Here, lemme pay my debts."

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: Who the f***? What kinda? I'll tell ya one thing. The day I live and the day I die, when I die, nobody's gonna come and say, "The man owed me ten thousand. The man owed me two thousand." I ra, I will go to work before it ever comes.

Frank: ...the same way

Fritzy: Before it comes to that. Before it ever comes to that.

Frank: Freddie.

Fritzy: Cause some people, they got no face, they got.

Frank: That's right.

Fritzy: I'll tell ya, I'll tell ya. That's why I say, all my f***ing life, I says, I used to laugh, "This guy. Oh, what a wonderful guy. That guy. Oh yeah, alright." I says, ya know what I used to say? "I ain't got much, but they gotta shine my f***ing shoes as far as f***ing principle."

Frank: You gotta be, you better believe that.

Fritzy: Yeah. No, to myself I used to say. I says, "Look at all this f***ing bulls**t." To myself, I know my conduct. And that's all I...

Frank: You got a heart of gold, Freddie.

Fritzy: No, pa, look. The heart is one thing.

Frank: You gotta heart of f***ing gold.

Fritzy: Ya hear what I says?

Frank: Make a fool out of you.

Fritzy: Cal, the heart is one thing. The second thing is the face.

Frank: Yeah, I know...

Fritzy: The face, the face is more important.

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: In other words, they got they got the face of a wh***. They don't give a f*** one way or the other, "Well, yeah. Okay." I gotta have somebody be little me.

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: And while I know I'm.., ya gotta know how to co, how to handle them people, you know what I mean? You know, that, that's their game. That's the way. "Alright, fine." There's just so much you, you do. And just so much that comes and reverse.

Frank: Right.

Fritzy: But this guy turned out to be a real lemonade.

Frank: Yeah?

Fritzy: And he, he abused his family, that dirty coc*suck**. Not even his own sister's talkin' to him now.

Frank: No kiddin'?

Fritzy: Sure. He abused...

Frank: That how bad he is?

Fritzy: What?

Frank: That's how bad he is, huh?

Fritzy: You know how much money he took away from them? Have you any idea?

Frank: Hey, Freddie. A junkie and a degenerate gambler is the same thing.

Fritzy: Well, I'll tell ya something. I wanna, he, ya know, he, he, he, eh, ya know, eh, he just, he's out of line. He's way outta f***ing line, this guy.

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: He's just outta line.

Frank: He don't gamble no more, huh?

Fritzy: Eh, he's a coc*suck**. He turned around, nice, bulls****** , "Ah, I'm gonna, I'm sellin' over here and I'm goin' to Florida." "Oh, Florida's alright, huh?" He supposed to sell that place and pay his debts.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: Now he comes back, he says to me, "Oh, if I sell it there's only about 20,000 in there." "Yeah? Well then sell it to me, ya coc*suck**,'' I says. I'd like to stick it in his a**.

Frank: Huh?

Fritzy: I'd like to stick it in his ass. "C'mon, we'll put it on the market. I'll send the guys in on the market price and see what you pull out with."

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: Uh, really.

Frank: Why don't you do it?

Fritzy: Nah, I'm gonna. I don't let him bulls*** me. F*** him.

Frank: Don't let him bulls*** ya.

Fritzy: I'm not. I'm, I ain't gonna tolerate him no more.

Frank: If he's like that Freddie, don't let him f***ing bulls*** ya.

Fritzy: He's, that, that's the way he is. You know why?

Frank: Uh-huh?

Fritzy: The home, that's all I, I went by the, by his sister-in law dear departed soul. She said, "They all call me f***ing nuts. I holler. I holler." He took his brother's business, he took his brother-in-law's f***ing business. He took the, all them, them shares. He ate it and he gobbled it all up for himself, this dirty ba**ard

Frank: huh?

Fritzy: Yeah.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: And he ate it all up for himself.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: Nice, nice, nice, nice. And then, I don't mind, never mind I don't mind that. And they were, they were getting' their handy pay, ya know?

Frank: Yeah.

Fritzy: Before you know it, they reduced it and reduced it. They reduced them to nothin'. He reduced them, ya know? Eh, this is a...

Frank: His brother's family.

Fritzy: What?

Frank: His brother's own family.

Fritzy: Yeah. Yeah. He don't talk to them across the street. He wishes they were never there. Yeah, I'll tell ya, the guy that made him make the f***ing livin'. And I'm the guy that, ya know, I caught him, uh, ya know, doin' the Russki-Tushki there.

Frank: Yeah?

Fritzy: Goin' back.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: He made me go, dear departed soul the brother made me go through all the papers, everything. Marone, what I didn't catch on this guy.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: I...

Frank: You caught 'em, huh?

Fritzy: Yeah. I says, "Tony." Wait, wait, wait. I says, "Tony." "I've been to this. I do that." "Tony, you wanna take my advice?" I says, "He's your brother. You'll make a big stink over here and you're gonna look bad yourself. The best you could do is you clip his wings, stay on top of him and from now on you'll watch and do whatever you gotta do, this, this and that. I stopped him from doin' a lot of things. I shouldn't have stopped him. When I think about it, ya know? And he corrected it and all of a sudden, Tony was gettin', like, double or triple what he used to get.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: You know, uh, hey...

Frank: Uh-huh.

Fritzy: So if he could rob his brother then when he was alive, imagine after he died.