Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
The rehab and halfway houses are probably owned by O.C. with straw buyers. In the spring of 2011 the feds went all over south florida and arrested a bunch of doctors,pharmacists for running pill mills. More then likely I would assume they have a front man that looks like your average joe that probably drives a Toyota to work and packs his lunch a bologna sandwich with a can of store brand cola and an apple.

Those pill mills were out of control. Did you ever hear about those brothers that got busted down there? They had 4 pain clinics running at once. They paid the doctors 35k a week to write scripts, I guess they were writing so many they had to get stamps of their signature made because they're hands were sore from writing so many. Ill look for the article.. Anyways they ended up getting fucked over and busted, when they raided their mothers house they found safes in the attic holding 14 million dollars in cash.