so i little update... last night after i got back from going out to eat, my friend called me and informed me that he was coming over and hung up before i was able to get a word in and wouldn't pick the phone back up. so i waited outside and about 20 minutes later he arrived by car with some real sketchy people that i have never even seen before. when they got here, the driver wanted gas money which he said my friend promised him. too bad, i wasn't giving someone money who i never even met. then the driver wanted cigarettes. i don't even smoke, so tough luck. my buddy finally hopped out of the car, barely able to stand. this is around 11:30, mind you.

i was pretty pissed already by having someone tell me they are coming over, rather than even ask. i told him no way can you stay over here in this condition, and then he tries to convince me he's ok. thats the funny thing about people like that, they seem to get mad if you know they are messed up. the past few days i've come to realize that selfishness isn't always a bad thing, depending on the situation. i can afford to not be living at home now, but the whole point is to save the money while i can so i can put a down payment on a small place down south, which is what i've been striving for the past few years. why should i sacrafice that for someone who in thier present condition, probably wouldn't buy me a pack of gum?

we argued for a few more minutes, and i told him that its too late and we can't be causing a scene this late. long story short, i dropped him off at a nearby wawa. i let him know that i'd be more than happy to give him a ride to the rehab center i located for him if given notice, and he is welcome to call me whenever, but i just can't have somebody in an extremely unstable condition staying with me. i also reached out to his parents, and was able to convince them to give him another shot with them. they are very busy, and over 400 miles away, but the father recently had major surgery and has a dr's appointment in philly in about 2 weeks, and he said he is willing to come up here and pick him and the bike up and then to spend christmas with the family, dry out, and figure out what to do next, which hopefully will include some type of rehab. now its on him to try an keep it together for a few weeks, and try for a fresh start, really nothing more i can do/offer at this point besides support and encouragement.

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 12/01/12 10:18 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!