[Joseph D. Pistone "Donnie Brasco" talking with Benny "Lefty Ruggiero]

Lefty: You're gonna be sent for. And I promise you one thing. Nothings gonna happen to you. Cause I stuck up for you. All the way. I warned you, I'm not giving you up, I die with you. In other words, I want this guys head. I got to have his head. Cause he's looking for mine.

Pistone: Why would I wanna become inducted as a wiseguy. I'm having a good time now.

Lefty: Donnie. You can lie, you can steal, you can cheat, you can kill and it is all legitimate.

[Another talk between Benny "Lefty Ruggiero" and Joseph D. Pistone]

Lefty: Hey Donnie, what happened?

Pistone: Huh?

Lefty: What happened last night?

Pistone: Last night? I called you this morning.

Lefty: No, you didn't call me this morning.

Pistone: No, I missed you. I called you by the club.

Lefty: Let me tell you something, I got to the club 2 O'clock this afternoon. You wasn't there at 2 O'clock so I left.

Pistone: I called you there at eh, quarter 11.

Lefty: Let me tell you something Donnie, the man never told me nothing (club owner). He's playing games with me. He knows that I'll him and I don't like whats going on... What happened to you last night Donnie, you never answered my question.

Pistone: I went down to the bookie joint, I asked for you but he said you weren't there but Sonny was there.

Lefty: Let me tell you something my friend, I waited there 10 minutes to 11 for your phone call.

Pistone: I'll just call you tonight, I'm just a bit sleepy.

Lefty: That's your f***ing problem Donnie.

^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4tsq3HXPB4 ^ - Hard to understand at certain moments.