[Donnie Brasco "Joseph D. Pistone" talking first with John "Boobie" Cersani and secondly with Dominic "Sonny Black" Napolitano on October 21st, 1980 at 12:20am]

Cersani: Hello.

Pistone: Hello.

Cersani: Yeah?

Pistone: Donnie..

Cersani: Yeah Donnie?

Pistone: What's going on?

Cersani: How are you Donnie?

Pistone: Alright, how are you?

Cersani: How's Florida?

Pistone: Hahaha, come down and visit.

Cersani: You must be used to it by now.

Pistone: Yeah, what a way from you to come back.

Cersani: Well yeah, now I'm about ready to come back.

Pistone: Well listen, now you come back, the dog tracks are open. I mean theres something to do at night.

Cersani: Aha...

Pistone: We go at dog races...

Cersani: Yeah..

Pistone: You know...

Cersani: Aha...

Pistone: Now we don't have to sit around and be dead at night.

Cersani: Yeah, that sounds good.

Pistone: I've taken a beating at the dogs though, but your lucky. So maybe eh... You come down and my luck will change.

Cersani: Wait a minute Donnie (Conversation cuts off)

[Pistone and Sonny Black]

Sonny: Where are you now, home?

Pistone: Yeah... is Lefty there?

Sonny: He's across the street Lefty. He's laying in the truck. He's gotta get rid off the lion.

Pistone: Yeah I know, who is he gonna give it to?

Sonny: You know what he wanna do, he's crazy.

Pistone: Why?

Sonny: He said he'd ship it down there and can chain it at back of the club.

Pistone: He's screwy!

Sonny: Yeah, he's nuts.

Pistone: A lion in a chain, imagine that?

Sonny: None, theres no question about it.

Pistone: Yeah well listen, you know the lady that we caught down in Miami. Yeah well uh, she want's 200. You know for the service.

Sonny: What weekly?

Pistone: No, from when we started to upto now.

Sonny: Alright, so give it to her.

Pistone: Alright, I just wanted to clear it with you.

^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OswY2bjuk2k ^

Last edited by King; 12/01/12 07:22 PM.