In May 1962 while staying at the Volney Hotel in New York City,Meyer Lansky described the G-men as "racketeers" and the "new mafia":

LANSKY:They're nothing but racketeers, every one of them. After five years they get out, get on a big corporation's payroll. Now what happens, you and I . . . let's say I work for IBM. You came. They say [redacted] is doing the same business. He has no FBI guys working for him. Pop, they chop his legs off. They find him with a sweetheart, they find him with this, they find him with that. This thing's gonna get an investigation. It's a new mafia. The investigators are going to get investigated. It's just a matter of time. It's the same with those senate investigators. You remember those McCarthy hearings. That lying with the pictures.

On another occassion Lansky referred to Bobby Kennedy as "an arrogant punk" who had no right to judge the mob life:

LANSKY:Let me tell you something. Anyone who hasn't lived, hasn't the right to tell anyone else anything. He's a young boy, 37 years old. He hasn't lived yet and he wants to tell others how to live. He's an arrogant punk.

In June 1962 when discussing race with some associates at his New York City hotel room, Lanksy said the following with respect to blacks:

LANSKY:If you find a person stealing who doesn't have enough to eat, there a reason. But tell me why you steal if you've got money in your pocket. You see these n***** [n-word] kids stealing. Their parents are ignorant, no education. There's a certain spark in them.

He further stated that LANSKY:"n****** [n-word] are getting even with white people through welfare and they're laughing at the white people."

And then when comparing Scandanavians against Latinos he stated:

LANSKY:They're not only physically healthy, but their lives are more healthy. They're cleaner. They're not as criminal as some of the other nationalities. The Latins are more criminal. They had to steal to subsist.

source: ...theres also some fbi documents on Lansky

Last edited by Toodoped; 12/01/12 07:06 PM.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good