“Shoot him in the (expletive) head. Say, ‘This is from the Saint,’ ” prosecutors allege St. Laurent coached an undercover cop posing as a hit man in 2007 on one of at least three attempts he made to execute DeLuca for control of his rackets, according to court papers.


a recorded conversation between reputed capo regime Edward “Eddy” Lato and a made member of the mob who was wearing a wire for the FBI, referred to tribute payments going to a boss named “Anthony” in Boston.

Lato: "He passes it all out ... he told me. I said, what?"
Witness: "Who?"
Lato: "You give all this away. He gives all that money away."
Witness: "Anthony?"
Lato: "What a spaccone. The other guy, his guy, ah, Mark, ah, and the other big kid, what's his name? The other one that got pinched with Mark."
Witness: "Oh, Darren. [sic]"
Lato: "Darren [sic]. What the [expletive], what do you keep for yourself... you got to keep this money for yourself, are you nuts?"
Witness: "So what's the sense..."
Lato: "So we're bringing you money and you're giving it away like [expletive] candy."
Witness: "And we're taking the shot."

"Their conversation then delved into their frustration over the fact that they send their tribute to the current Boss 'Anthony' and he then passes [it] out among other NELCN figures including Mark Rosetti and Darin Bufalino," prosecutors wrote in the court filing. "Lato then explained to the Made Member that his frustration is exacerbated by the fact that he believes that he is taking all the risk of being observed by law enforcement."

"Listen, if we take down a score," St. Laurent is quoted in the affidavit. "I'm gonna take some off the top for the old man."

The "Old Man" would be Manocchio, who turned 83 in June 2010. But unlike the previous Dons, who suffered from serious health problems, Manocchio is a health fanatic. Often seen running from his Federal Hill apartment to a nearby golf course; the elder Boss looked more like he was 50.


Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.