[Talk between Francesco Del Balso and a heavy gambler named Dino]

Dino: "You owe me $17,000 and still haven't paid."

Del Balso: "Bro, there's no fuc**ng book in the city that doesn't belong to me, you know that? I have a fuc**ng book that's worth $50 million and you're telling me about $17,000. But you know how much we take? A billion dollars in action. You think I'm a fuc**ng clown or something, bro? I built a fuc**ng empire. What are you talking about 17 dimes ($17,000)? I spit on 17 dimes."

Dino: "I didn't call you a clown."

Del Balso: "I'm going to send my man Lorenzo ( Lorenzo Giordano) to talk to you. What the fuc*. Bring my fuc**ng money to me by the end of the week. I don't want to hear no story."

[Talk between Francesco Del Balso and a gambling clerk]

Clerk: "What's the password?"

Del Balso: "What password? It's me TT221."

Clerk: "Who is it?"

Del Balso: "It's the owner, Frank. Jesus Christ"

^ http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=861fe774-007c-4959-8933-f6a81de1a668 ^

[Vito Rizzuto talking to Rizzuto family money ower]

Rizzuto: I want 112 G'S today, I want my f***ing money today or Lorenzo (Lorenzo Giordano) says he's gonna grab you, He's gonna f***ing turn you into a pretzel.