And a long ass convo between Nick Civella & Oscar Goodman....

GOODMAN: This is Oscar Goodman.

TAMBURELLO: Oh, yes. Please hold on a minute, Oscar.


GOODMAN: Hi, how are you?

CIVELLA: How are you, fella?

GOODMAN: Very good. How you doing?

CIVELLA: You know who this is?

GOODMAN: Certainly. How are you doing?

CIVELLA: I'm good and, ah, I'll tell you what. Ah, first, how's the missus and Grot (phonetic) and the rest of the children?

GOODMAN: They're all doing fine, thank you.

CIVELLA: I'll tell you what. I just, a few minutes ago, was given some information that you've been pretty tied up with a friend of yours who's having a tremendous misfortune, who's had a tremendous misfortune.

GOODMAN: That's correct.

CIVELLA: And if I'd knew that, I wouldn't have even disturbed you. I'll tell you the truth, I wouldn't, you know. I didn't know it until (overlapping conversation; unintelligible)

CIVELLA: Well, anyway, what I was going to ask you to do I done otherwise, because when I found this out, I didn't want to disturb you, so I done it otherwise. What, while I got you, I might -- are you in your office?


CIVELLA: You are, huh? Anyway, I was reading some of your local papers there and there's some things that are turning out pretty fair, huh?

GOODMAN: Some are very good.


GOODMAN: Some are very good.


GOODMAN: Others are going to be a little tougher, but some are very good.

CIVELLA: Are you rushing or do you always talk fast?

GOODMAN: I always talk fast when I, when I talk to people I know, I talk fast.

CIVELLA: You're, you're not rushing then?

GOODMAN: No, not at all, not at all.

CIVELLA: Ah, let me, ah, maybe, ah, I don't know how, how to put this. Ah, ah, one of your clients, you know, ah, you and I have touched on once before about it.


CIVELLA: Ah, do you have a definite opinion yet about whether he's going to pull up or is he going to, ah ...

GOODMAN: Going forward, as I understand it.

CIVELLA: Oh, that's, that's his position?

GOODMAN: That, as I understand it, there's been nothing that has ever been conveyed to me to the contrary.

CIVELLA: Yeah. Well, I'll tell you what. I, I'm only going to tell you this but you, then you got to leave it right or, you know.


CIVELLA: OK. I was going to ask you that, to get ahold of him to have him reach me, see.

GOODMAN: All right.

CIVELLA: But, but I've already done it now.


CIVELLA: All right. So, so please forget it.

GOODMAN: OK, fine.

CIVELLA: All right?


CIVELLA: You don't know anything about nothing about nothing, nobody know, he, he'll get back to me and let, then I'll do it my own way.

GOODMAN: Very good. I won't even say anything.

CIVELLA: All right. But can I, can I ask you without, ah, ah, not trying to compromise you, I just ask you as one, ah, you know, friend to another.


CIVELLA: Ah, what is your feeling about the position he's taking?

GOODMAN: Ah, well, ah, we get into that whole psychological profile.

CIVELLA: Yeah. Yeah. Back again to that.

GOODMAN: It's the old story.


GOODMAN: The old story.


GOODMAN: But, ah.

CIVELLA: Would you agree that he might be opening up a tremendous big can of worms?

GOODMAN: Ah I, I might agree to that, but he never would.

CIVELLA: (Unintelligible) I know what he'd never agree, but I don't think he's ever made a mistake in his life.


CIVELLA: You know.


CIVELLA: My god, I, I know people like that, you know.

GOODMAN: Right. But with the, the timing of certain things here, and, ah, things that are happening in town, and it's a shame that everything's, ah, culminating at the same time. Because, ah, one thing is going to affect, ah, others, that's my opinion.

CIVELLA: Yeah. Yeah.

GOODMAN: And, ah, there's nothing I can do to stop it.

CIVELLA: Have you expressed your concern to him, Counselor?

GOODMAN: Ah, not as strongly as I'm stating it to you.

CIVELLA: And why don't you?

GOODMAN: Because, ah, it would get ah, all it would do is get him to have another lawyer represent him.

CIVELLA: Well, sup --, but, as, but I mean is, you know, as, ah, as, ah, oh, I see. Well, ah, I guess that, that's, just, I thought maybe as, ah, you know, as just right-from-the-shoulder thing, I'd say, Look, you're gonna do it probably, but I, I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you exactly how I feel, you.

GOODMAN: Oh, I think we're about five years too late.

CIVELLA: Oh, really?


CIVELLA: Oh, boy.

GOODMAN: Yep. I, well, let me put it this way. Ah, ah, he feels that, ah, his, his manhood is at stake.

CIVELLA: Mas --, masculinity.

GOODMAN: Right. Well, whatever.


GOODMAN: And, ah, it, he feels that he's been pushed around and he wants his opportunity to, ah, for whatever it's worth, to strike back. And this is, this is.

CIVELLA: Even if you become a snitch?

GOODMAN: No. No, I don't think he would ever go that.

CIVELLA: What, what, what, what degree do you, what degree does it, ah, difference, what difference is it?

GOODMAN: Well, ah, I, I've never even begun to talk in those terms.

CIVELLA: Well, what, now I, understand, I don't mean.

GOODMAN: I know what you're saying. You're saying.

CIVELLA: Well, what, actually, though, is the difference. Is there a moral difference?


CIVELLA: Maybe, maybe there's a legal difference. Is there a moral difference?

GOODMAN: I'm gonna have to, I, I want to think about that.

CIVELLA: What, for Christ's sake. Ah, ah, I, I don't think you have to give it a lot of thought, Counselor.


CIVELLA: You, you've probably written briefs on it, if, ah.

GOODMAN: Well, let me, let me say this. That, ah, if the inquiry is a narrow inquiry, as it, as it started out to be, ah, I don't see any problems. If it, ah, broadens, then, ah, then it's gonna be his decision as to how much he wants to answer. I, I'm, I would advise him to stop at a certain point. Ah, certainly.

CIVELLA: Sure, sure, because it could open a lot of, ah, you know. Don't forget, ah, we, we reach, sometimes we reach a point where we force an adversary to, to react a lot different than he would under ordinary circumstances. But when the circumstances become extraordinary, then he's forced to react. Don't you, you know, any, anybody can see, should be able to see that, that you cannot oppose that strongly, people in, in certain positions. Sensitive positions. Publicly. Just doesn't make fucking sense. But anyway, I don't know why I'm telling it to you. I should be telling it to him, which I will. Anyway, listen, I appreciate, I always, you always did say that I don't have any trouble getting you, and you're right, and I tell people, I reach him, I don't have any trouble.

GOODMAN: That's right. Whenever you need me.

CIVELLA: Listen, thanks for the call back.


GOODMAN: ... that way.

CIVELLA: Yeah. Listen, what, ah, of course, I, I'm just repeating it, our conversation stays confidential.

GOODMAN: Fine. I didn't even talk to you.

CIVELLA: Client-attorney, right?

GOODMAN: Very good.

CIVELLA: Thank you, buddy. And, ah, my best at home.

GOODMAN: All right, And my best to everybody, too.

CIVELLA: Thank you very much.

GOODMAN: Nice speaking with you.


GOODMAN: Bye-bye.


Last edited by Toodoped; 12/01/12 03:14 PM.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good