Heres some more Chi Outfit wiretaps,federal prosecutors played a series of secret recorded conversations between Frank "The German" Schweihs and adult book store owner William 'Red' Wemette from the late 1980...

1. On the fate of a street tax collector Schweihs didn't like: "I think he's gonna open up a hotdog stand in Alaska."

2. Schweihs reassures Wemette that he's safe from harm as long as Schweihs protects him: "No, you don't have to be afraid, you got my word on that. There ain't no one gonna fucking touch you unless they knock me down first, and I'm not an easy guy to knock down, Red. You're with us, you're with me and there ain't no one gonna fuck with you - case closed! You got my fucking solemn promise on that."

3. Schweihs tells Wemette he won't be around for a while: "I - I won't see you for a while. I gotta - I got a fucking hit. I gotta go somewhere - something come up. So I don't know when I'll see yas."

4. Schweihs on the likelikhood that a rival gangster Mike Glitta sent someone to shake Wemette down, after Schweihs had already claimed the business: "Now, if Mike sent this cocksucker, sent this cocksucker here to bother you, Mike's in some fucking serious trouble, Red! Cause he has no excuse, he knows better. He knows this fucking joint is spoke for. And I don't think he would be that stupid to try and step on my fucking pecker or the people I'm affiliated with. Do you understand?"

5. On the need to make a competitor of Wemette's see the need not to mess with him: "He was told not to, but I don't know if he's goofy, or if we have to make a believer out of him."


Last edited by Toodoped; 12/01/12 03:03 PM.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good