i have to agrre with the others. you have done loads for the guy already.fifty plus years on this world, i have had a lot of friends die before there time. drugs is always one of the ingredients to there deaths. overdoses, car accidents, shootings, hiv, suicides. after fifty years kid you get pretty fucking cynical about human nature in general. ill give you the advice id give my son. [you may totally disagree with me here, but you asked for it] look after number one. no matter how much you do, you will always feel guilty in the end. you cant win out to a drug. especially not heroin. its human nature. he is going to fufil his needs e.g. heroin. i had friends with a similar situation, and honestly, i dont have any good stories about them to tell you. the four guys i can think of off the top of my head...dead [shot], jail [man 1],dead[in jail],and dead [od]. so ive definately had piss poor experiences around addicts. 3 out of those 4 were on h. one was on crack. so my outlook is generally skeptical, but my advice is, look after yourself first. he may be your friend, but his only friend [while hes using] is heroin. do your best to keep him off the street. i recomend going to a priest. we had one help out a good friend of the family with pills. sorry your in this situation you sound like you got a good heart, good luck to you kid. -joe