I gave blood yesterday at a works blood drive. I love this sort of thing because I'm one of those awkward people that requires a lot of effort to get blood from. So instead of the nurses connecting me and just leaving me be for 15 minutes or so they've got to prod, poke, twist, turn and/or hold in place the needle just to get the blood through. I get some weird enjoyment out of that as I watch the nurses do it.

But during which, I'm told I'm not to drink for 24 hours! TWENTY FOUR HOURS! What they taking blood from me on a Friday for (mind you I'd still be pissed off at not drinking any day of the week)? Sod that, I went home, had a bottle of wine and didn't feel much different, maybe a little sleepier. I was gutted. I'd hoped I'd get smashed quicker and cheaper.

So die all who betray Giuliano