Anyone been watching this new season of Homeland?

It's more A-Team than Homeland Security. That Carrie just does whatever she damn pleases and bangs the main suspect all the time. "Just trying to keep the customer satisfied" is how she spins it and the odd grimace aside everyone's cool with that at the Homeland depot.

You want to switch off the tracking device? "I don't think that's a good idea Carrie!" She replies "Just do it"!!!! And all protocol is forgotten and the whole team are drifting close to the breeze because the attack is supposed to be imminent yet all the main suspects for initiating the attack are roaming loose and working for Vice Presidents and major TV networks. WTF!!!

Sometimes watching I wonder who's crazier, Carrie or the crackpots who let her do what she likes and kind of just roll with the fact that she's a law unto herself. Watching this makes me wonder how they ever snagged Bin Laden.

Seeing Brodie sail off in a helicopter with Homeland Security's brightest and finest in the near proximity brought back memories of that Simpsons episode where Moe sweeps in on a flying jet pack and sails through the roof to save Homer from a beating in the boxing ring at the hands of Tatem. I can hear the commentator now "Whatever dignity remained in boxing is literally flying out the window".

That's exactly how I felt about 'Homeland' last week when Brodie sailed off into the moonlight in a helicopter.

'So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.'

George Carlin