I was just looking at the top 20 greatest films of all time according to They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? . . .

1. Citizen Kane (1941/Welles)
2. The Rules of the Game (1939/Renoir)
3. Vertigo (1958/Hitchcock)
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968/Kubrick)
5. 8 ½ (1963/Fellini)
6. Seven Samurai (1954/Kurosawa)
7. The Godfather (1972/Coppola)
8. The Searchers (1956/Ford)
9. Tokyo Story (1953/Ozu)
10. Singin in the Rain (1952/Donen)
11. Sunrise (1927/Murnau)
12. Battleship Potemkin (1925/Eisenstein)
13. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928/Dreyer)
14. Rashomon (1950/Kurosawa)
15. The Godfather Pt II (1974/Coppola)
16. Raging Bull (1980/Scorsese)
17. L’Atalante (1934/Vigo)
18. Lawrence of Arabia (1962/Lean)
19. The Bicycle Thief (1948/De Sica)
20. Touch of Evil (1958/Welles)

. . . and a few things came to my mind.

1. It's sad that I've only seen 6 of them.

2. It's even worse that I had never even previously heard of 8 of them.

3. I think it's kind of messed up that the list does not include any film made in the past 25 years.

4. I hate the fact that it is probably next to impossible for me to find a lot of these to watch them.

5. I want to see 8 1/2 so bad.

6. I'm really glad Godfather II is on here, even though it's not above I.

7. I need to see all the ones I haven't seen.

8. I want to be on that list someday.


I dream in widescreen.