Well its been 10 years since this masterpiece was first released, the legacy its left in my view is unparalleld, nothing comes close in my view as being as ambitious and as ground breaking as the Wire. I must of seen it all 10 times through, nothing is coming anywhere near close to being as good as the Wire.
The writers and creators are to be congratulated, they never cared their ratings were low they cared about what they were trying to say and do. The show had everything, brilliant acting, humour, tragedy and realism.
So what are some of your favorite wire quotes and moments?

For me Bodie was my favourite character and how he died fitted him, he didn't run but died on his corner, he was always destined to die in the game.
My favourite quote I can think of at the moment is where Omar is talking to Butchie in season 2 about how he's going after Stringer. "What do you see Butch?" "Too much boy, too damn much."