Man I still can't believe next spring it'll be 20 years since JURASSIC PARK. It's being re-released into theatres (w/ unnecessary 3-D) next year. Now that was a big big movie for me (and countless others) as a kid, and I'll be pleased to see it again on the big screen.

It's not a "great" film, but its such a really good movie of it's kind, the Spielberg popcorn thriller. There is power to it, whether because most (if not all) of us really connected to dinosaurs as children, and the basic story pitch is intoxicating. And on that level, the movie does work as a JAWS, DUEL sort of movie mixed with a KING KONG adventure narrative.

Kids now will only see dated CGI effects, but dammit back then people were very impressed, they really believed (or wanted to) that dinosaurs did come back from the grave.

Also, everybody liked the lawyer getting eaten from the toilet. (Obviously Spielberg was still smarting from his Amy Irving divorce.)

~Now where's JAWS on the big screen?