oh god, i walked outside my dorm last night a little after midnight.. First, you smell the MASSIVE amount of weed being smoked right outside the door. THEN you have all the guys out there patting you on the back screaammingg about 420.

Most prominent is one of my friends, who is basically the most popular guy in Dadisman Hall.. "Stoner Dave"

He's got a facebook group named after him. Haha, he's such a good guy.


I still can't believe my roommate never heard of Billy Joel before. I gave her so much shit last night. She was mad at me. But I don't care, it needed to be said. I threw my Coke bottle at her and hit her in the arm, she didn't like that much. Ah well.

Wow, I just rambled. A lot.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club