Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Has anyone tried placing bacon on the turkey when they bake it? I heard that adds a nice flavor.


We put bacon on our turkey at Christmas. Delicious!!

All this turkey talk is making me crave Christmas...... smile

We used to do this quite a bit when I cooked in the Navy. We draped bacon over pork roasts, roast beef and just about any kind of poultry cooked low & slow. It is definitely a game changer and boosts flavors to the next level. Add carrots, celery & onions for natural great flavor as well.

BTW - I heard stories on the radio today about Turkey cooking nightmares. A gal called in and said that her sister-in-law's turkey is terrible year after year. Later, she elaborated by saying she soaks the bird in a salt water brine for 12 hours... no kidding the bird is terrible - salt naturally extracts moisture thus causing the turkey to be dried out and have an overly salty taste! panic