Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: Trilogy
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Obviously the family goes to Michael to answer the last question.

What is not expressed often is Michael's total lack of humanity. Characters like Vito Corleone, and Tony Soprano and Nucky Thompson, others are bad guys, but they have an element of humanity to them. They show compassion, and they have subordinates who are loyal to them out of something more than fear. Michael has none of that. Everything he does is calculated and he always has an agenda. He is never kind for the sake of being kind. It is no surprise he ends up alone with no friends or family.

Michael does show compassion. Remember the beginning in part 2, Fredo's wife was embarassing them at the party which Fredo had to apologize for. Michael responds in a kind way ensuring Fredo that he is a brother and never has to apologize. He also promises to take care of Connie and ensures her she can have anything she wants.

I think you misinterpret those scenes. The Fredo scene was just mike talking down to fredo like he was a child. And the Connie scene seemed to be more bullying than "compassion. I mean i part 2 mike is pretty much pure evil with no soul

I thought it felt more like compassion. Those scenes may just scenes but in the reality of his world, Michael did take care of the whole family no different then Vito did for his.

Telling Connie to stay with the family and gets to have anything she wants is hardly bullying lol. Michael just seemed cold at that moment cause she was making childish decisions (marrying a random dude)