Originally Posted By: Trilogy
I completely agree with you about everything in terms of real life. But it's alway interesting to see how people would portray Michael's character given the situation that he is facing.

Wouldn't you be consumed with revenge if your family members were getting killed one by one? Even though all you wanted was an innocent lifestyle?

On top of that just to make things worse, your own brother inlaw was beating on your baby sister and personaly setted up your oldest brother to be murdered by your fathers enemies?

It wouldn't be easy to "simply walk away" after all that. He had to clean up his fathers business (which took years)

Yeah but that was the life Vito chose. Sonny also chose that life but i also blame vito because his sons saw what he was doing and wnated to emualate him. But sonny was much different than mike in regards to family because he would never harm them. Mike on the other hand had no problem killing family members because he was just evil at that point