Originally Posted By: Trilogy
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: Trilogy

Look I love the godfather but characters like mike make me sick because they are murderers. Look Im not saying Fredo is a saint but he is much more humane than Mike is

I agree too about murderers, I was just opinionating if I was in Michaels shoes haha. But in reality, Michael was a fine gentleman from the very beginning. His love to protect his family is what started his life of crime. Such a sad story though, he became so powerful & sucessful yet depressing at the same time.

It's no wonder Vito didn't want this life for him.

See this is where i disagree. Many people say "Poor Mike" or tragic character. He is not tragic really. Mike made his choices and he made bad choices so i dont feel bad for him. You reap what you sow. Sure he started off good but then he was seduced by power/greed and by part 2 he became a cold controlling psychopath.

Last edited by JCrusher; 11/20/12 03:15 PM.