Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
This is just an individual blogger calling on the feds to use the transnational law against the gambinos. There are no indications out there that this will be case.


Do you not agree that the Feds will eventually use the anti-terrorism statutes as a measure against the mob?

The day will eventually come when someone gets pinched doing business third hand with a group like al-Qaeda. Probably something small like a bullshit drug charge. The mob guys probably won't even realize who they're doing business with, but The Feds will take a bullshit association like that and run with it.

When that happens, they're really in for it. There will be International charges all around. It will all be in the name of sensationalism and will basically be a witch hunt, but it doesn't mean that it's not going to happen. It will. Guaranteed.

COMPLETELY AGREE, I am actually surprised a situation like the one you described hasn't already happened particularly after GW Bush signed executive order 13224 after 9/11. Among other things, the order authorized the seizure of assets of organizations or individuals designated by the Secretary of the Treasury to assist, sponsor, or provide material or financial support or who are otherwise associated with terrorists. It cast a big net, IMO.

There are also individuals states who have passed or have their own expanded Patriot Act, e.g. Ohio. The Ohio Patriot Act gives law enforcement officials authority to deny entry to individuals entering "transpotration infrastructure" who will not provide identification when there is determined to be a security threat and officials are requiring identification from all individuals entering. The bill also gives law enforcement officials authority to demand the name, address and date of birth of any individual who is "reasonably suspected" of having committed or was witness to a felony. Failure to provide this information would be a misdemeanor.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.