He was 71 years-old and was said to be in good health and I have not heard any reports on a cause of death that would lead me to believe it was anything other than the proverbial "natural causes."

In another thread on bodybuilding, I mentioned seeing Oliva while he was on foot patrol as a Chicago police officer. This was in the 1990's...and his arms were still immense. When you see photographs of Oliva from his competitive days -- the 1970's and early 1980's -- every muscle groups appears to be so much larger on him than it did on any other bodybuilder. Can't say whether or not his size was the result of anabolic steroids...

...but if steroid use was widespread and unmitigated anywhere at a given point in time, it was in the worlds of bodybuilding and professional wrestling in that era...

tony b.

"Kid, these are my f**kin' work clothes."
"You look good in them golf shoes. You should buy 'em"