^^^ right, not much in the grand scheme of things, but i just find it funny how BOTH parties always seemingly call for "less regulation" as a way to boost the economy. look at it however you want, this is another regulation. is it gonna run these companies out of business, no, but added to the ever rising cost of fuel, food, and electricity and it can really add up. drop in the bucket effect, but pretty soon that bucket fills up and might tip over. health insurance should be affordable for everyone, and its a clusterfuck however you look at it but anything "government mandated" is bound to leave us in worse shape then we started. these fools can't do a damn thing right, so adding a huge undertaking like this is bound to end badly once the beurocracy takes hold. no easy solution but i would start by cutting all forign aid right away, why the fuck should we prop up other countries when people are suffering here? use a fraction of that money to set up more free or reduced cost services for people struggling/without insurance. i also believe that all doctors should be encouraged, not forced or "mandated" to spend alot more time volunteering giving free care ect.

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 11/15/12 05:32 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!