Originally posted by Partagas:
Sorry to hear! Did you know either one? Two drug OD's I think would be unusual, however, I guess it really does not matter if it was OD or Suicide -- sad no matter what. I feel for their friends and especially theie families.
I'm not sure if I knew them or not.. Everyones keeping things hush-hush around here. It only happened LATE last night. From what I've heard, at least one of the people who died was a girl from 3 floors up from me. I'm going to do some sleuthing later and try to find out more info.

They basically put the dorm on lockdown last night though, and wouldn't let anyone come in or leave the dorms.. and they wanted us to stay on our floors.

I was by myself in my room because my roommate had gone up earlier to our friend's room. I didn't feel like being alone, so I tried to go up JUST 2 floors, and Thilanka, the local asshole tried to make me stay on the 2nd floor. I however basically told him that I was NOT going to stay in my room by myself and that I WAS going to my friend Sean's room whether I had to drag them down the hall with me or not.

Needless to say, I won, and got an escort to his room tongue

I heard another girl who I guess knew one of the people that died wanted to leave the dorm entirely, and they were threatening her with police force and everything. She left anyway too. They wouldn't even let people go right outside the main doors to smoke cigarettes because they were so stressed out.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club