Is Michael really the bad guy? Recently I showed my girlfriend and some friends part 1&2. They really enjoyed both movies but were completely disgusted with Michael's character which left me in total shock lol! Michael is my favourite tragic hero. I tried to defend him but I ended up being out numbered with opinions and ended up looking bad defending a ruthless character haha.

Some evil points were pointed out like: how could Michael kill Fredo?, why does Michael have to kill everyone in his path?, how come Vito was a warm hearted person and Michael was completely the oppisite? In my opinion/defense, Vito left behind a world full of murder,ruthless actions, & death of loved ones killed by enemies his father created. Does Michael deserve to be a cold hearted and ruthless Don? Yes.

Michael may have started out as a nice college boy, but after going through the torture of seeing your father nearly assinated, a new wife blown to pieces, and oldest loving brother slaughtered with bullets..any man would change his own destiny to complete revenge with no mercy. Vito passed on his rath of revenge thourgh Micheal..and suceeded.

Michael killing Freo? Do I agree?, but in Michael's life situation..then yes. This is a life/death situation where Fredo failed him as a brother. He would always be a danger to the family as long as he's around.I'm sure Michael could've exiled him somewhere far, but information equals power, which Fredo knows too much and would come back to destroy Michael.

I tried to explain to my friends, Michael's goal is simple: quest for legitimacy and to kill only when necessary in order to keep his family safe for the future.

Did I defend my opinion correctly to them?


sorry my spelling/grammar sucks