Gi, I got glasses in third grade and contacts in sixth too! Crazy. I'm really blind without them too. I'm like Marilyn Monroe in How to Marry a Millionaire, when she misses the door and walks into a wall, or doesn't recognize people when they come in a room... lol It's pretty bad. My family makes fun of me for how I am if I'm not wearing glasses or contacts.

But I think about that too, how they only get worse... and I think, if it's gotten this bad in the last 15 years, how blind am I going to be in another 15 years? And I don't think I'd EVER do Lasik or anything... I've seen how they do it on a commercial, actually going in your eye, and man, that is NOT for me. I'd die first. eek I'm such a wimp when it comes to stuff like that.

You know, I was thinking it might have been caused by your contacts, too, like an allergy to a new solution or something. I'm allergic to one brand of lenses (Bausch and Lomb, the biggest one-- go figure), and the first time I put them on, my eyes got all bloodshot and teary. Even after I took them out (immediately) and put glasses on, I was still teary-eyed for like a week. All week, everyone would look at me funny everywhere I went, or when I'd see people who know me, I'd get, "Omigod, are you crying? What happened?" rolleyes Thank God for waterproof makeup, that week. tongue