Just to throw this out there, my cousin once dated the daughter of a Gambino crime family member (to go to the other end of the spectrum). He doesn't remember who it was, but apparently he was close with Gotti.

Apparently he was very civil, not at all mean or an douche. Not to say he wasn't intimidating but he got all along just fine with the Father. Here's the funny part: the girl was a spoiled brat. Now my cousin grew up in an Italian family and he's a well educated, funny and grounded person.

He had a heart to heart with the father and he said my cousin "You're not gonna put up with her. I know you won't. My kids are spoiled rotten. I used to take pleasure it that. Knowing I could give them anything they wanted to make them happy. But sometimes I wish I had raised them like you're family raised you because you're a fine young man. But my kids won't make it anywhere in this world and let's face it, you deserve better"

Just thought I'd share that with you all. I remember laughing when my cousin told that to me.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone