ANYways, for example, let's take a look at the Chinatown area during the giancana period: you had Skids Caruso, one of Paul & Sam's personal soldiers from the 42 Gang placed in "power" down there. But it was more or less a false sense of power, because everything went through Taylor st. at the end of the day. Skids managed business down there, and had his own crew, but wasnt independent unto himself.

Now let's fast forward and take a look at modern day Chinatown: it is now a separate family/crew. Toots Caruso will most likely never talk with DiFronzo or do business with him unless its at a social function or some type of joint venture. Each "crew" is now more or less its own insulated family, with Cicero & Elmwood Park being the two dominant families, and Grand Ave, Chinatown, & Chicago Heights being the three smaller scale families. There are also separate crews within these families, so you never have guys answering to one top guy. You could almost compare it to a miniature model of the NY set up. It is extremely difficult to gauge membership because of this.