Originally Posted By: ricobenes
Originally Posted By: Black
Originally Posted By: ricobenes
I'm not one of those from Anp (I'm assuming you're referring to the don & black angelo from those boards, who obviously had incredible amounts of outfit knowledge). I joked about my family relations due to the fact that this guy kept pressuring me, thinking I was going to openly say something like "oh I'm Joe batters grandkid" or "I'm cerones nephew" or something like that, which I would obviously never ever do. I am related to alleged gangsters, but that isn't important.

Everyone in Chicago is a "fanboy" of mooney giancana, not just the dickheads over at anp. he was the most beloved boss the outfit ever knew. To this day when his name comes up an outfit gangster will shed a tear & tip their hat to the man. He was a legend, fearless, had balls the size of cantelopes, and he'd get out there and fight for his men. Joe batters was known to the street gangster as some crotchety old man who owned a mansion and had no connection whatsoever to the street.

But I digress, like I said, one need only to look at the family secrets dinner photo at the Sicily to see AIUPPA at the head of the table, where the boss sits, with accardo in the consigliere spot to the right of him. It's not rocket science guys
lol Joe B had more power in the outfit then mooney could dream of, fuck the picture all on has to do when compareing JB to mooney is see who's head got blown the fuck up and who died in his bed like real powerful boss do, ie rica and accardo. Your right its not "rocket scinece" to see that JB had the real power. Sam had balls the size of elephants but so did 99% of all the rest of the outfit bosses, the difference in power is mooney had a lot but JB had it all......soliai

Err.......no ohwell
yea your grandpa mooney had so much power he had his head spilt in two in his own home, yea that's some real power and respect for you lol......soliai